
Sneezing around the Water Cooler

Sneezing around the Water Cooler

in keeping with one survey,air max tn requin, 5nine%of adult nasal allergy sufferers with congestion said nasal congestion affects them at work by,tn requin, among other things, decreasing productivity and making it trickyto concentrate.*3

"allergies maymake you self-mindfuland feel irritable-the l. a.st thing anyone needs at work," said Robin Ryan, career counselor and allergy sufferer. "These effects ca standardly be avoided or minimized if you're taking action to manage your symptoms on the job."

Identifying Nasal

Allergy Triggers

concurrentlyallergy sufferers couldview their office as a shelter from allergens, numerous allergens commonly found at work can actually trigger bothera couple ofsymptoms year-round. Mold can be an factorin offices with poor ventilation systems and leaks. or even althoughpets aren't allowed on your building, dander can attach to the fabricing of pet-owning colleagues, and pollen from grasses and trees can stick with hair and clothing to impactsufferers inside the day.

working on A Treatment Plan

to assistanceminimize exposureto allergens, staythe windows closed to stoppollen from coming inside. if you think that that mold is a matter, talk with a building supervisor to make sureside the building gets rightventilation. but it's very unlikelyto bypass all allergens inside the workplace, so Ryan recommends visiting a doctor, who can prescribe the most efficienttreatment, if you continue to experience symptoms.

Nasal-inhaled steroids,tn requin pas cher, like NASONEX? (mometasone furoate monohydrate) Nasal Spray, 50 mcg (calculated on the anhydrous basis), are a recommended first-line treatment when nasal congestion is the basicallergy symptom.4

"Nasal congestion is usuallyprobably the utmostbothera couple ofsymptom for nasal allergy sufferers, and nasal-inhaled steroids like Nasonex are an perfectway to treat it," said Dr. Matthew Clarke, a board-certified family and occupational medicine physician in private practice in new york city.

to assistancework outwhether your nasal congestion is as a result of the nasal allergies, visit CongestionTest to take the Congestion Test. this easy, five-queryscreening tool also mayassistancephysicians work outthe most efficienttreatment.

"Allergy symptom control want to be topon eachemployee's to-do list," said Ryan. "it is importantfor your health-and that this is an investment on your career."

NASONEX? is a nasal-inhaled steroid related to cortisol, a hormone produced naturally by the body,nike air max pascher, and when used as directed, is safe, nonsedating and not addictive. NASONEX reduces nasal congestion as a result of an allergy. NASONEX provides relief from symptoms of seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis, including nasal congestion, sneezing and an itchy, runny nose. side effects were sometimeslightand that come withd headache, viral infection, sore throat, nosebleeds, and coughing.

* a web-based survey of 2,002 adult allergic rhinitis sufferers with nasal congestion or parents of a kidwith allergic rhinitis with nasal congestion.

1. "The Impact of Allergies and Allergy Treatment on Worker Productivity." American schoolof Occupational and Environmental Medicine. .

2. "Allergy Facts and Figures." Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America. 12 June 2006 .

3. Roper Public Affairs and Media. Impact of nasal congestion among allergic rhinitis sufferers. a web-based survey of 2,35fivepeople with allergic rhinitis, 2,002 of whom were adult allergic rhinitis sufferers with nasal congestion or parents of a kidwith allergic rhinitis with nasal congestion. 2004. Margin of error +/- 2 percentage points.

4. the yank Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, Inc., The Allergy Report, 2000, Vol. 2:p.16.

By: Stacey Moore


